MISC: Features
What makes the LF so special when there are so many great midi footcontrollers out there?
Well it has several features that go beyond the normal PC/CC settings:
suppose you have a flanger on S1 and chorus on S2
and you never want to use both at the same time.
By grouping S1 and S2 you can activate only one. So if you have flanger (S1) ON and you activate S2 (chorus) it will automatically set S1 to OFF. - PAGES: the LF has 64 virtual S-buttons.
On the Pro you have 4 layers (PAGES) of 16 buttons.
On the Jr. you can have 4 layers of 3, 4, 6 or 8 buttons. See here how the S-buttons are devided over the 4 layers.
You can reach other layers by settings an S-button to a IA 2nd-command.
You can also reach the underneath button by holding the S-button for 1 second. - MENU AS IA-BUTTON: use the menu-button as an additional IA-button.
- OVERRIDE: on each preset you can override S-button and Expr Pedal settings.
- SYSEX: you can save and send 140 Sysex-commands.
- CLONING: you can clone an S-button. This is handy when you use multiple pages.
- TRIGGER: you can trigger another S-button. This can avoid tap-dancing.
- TUNER: you can transmit the tuner data from the TC G-Force and Axe-Fx to your LF.
- AXE-FX: sync with the preset-names and IA-states of the AXE-FX.
- STEP: you can set an S-button to act different on each step.
An example would be that delay mix would cycle like: 0% 25% 50% 100% 0% 25% .... - EXP CC CHANGE:
you can change the CC for the Expression Pedal.
This could be handy to switch between VOLUME and WAH for example. - EXP CC CHANGE WITH TOE-SWITCH:
if you have an Expression Pedal with Toe-switch,
you can use this to switch between VOLUME and WHAMMY for example.