EXPERT: Toe Switch

The ultimate is an Expression Pedal with a Toe Switch.
If you have a Boss FV-500, look here how you can modify it with a Toe Switch.

PART 1: Set Expression Pedal 2 as IA trigger Switch for a S-button (S30 for me).

on the screen
Which Function?
Press P1 -> P6
P4 to enter the Global Menu.
MIDI Rec Chan   
P4 untill you see EXP1.
C:B  1:033 2:OFF
This is normally set in the preparations.
S16 to save and go to the next step.
C:B  1:030 2:OFF
This is where you set the Midi-channel and CC for Expression Pedal.
UP/DOWN for the right MIDI-channel (channel 1 for me).
S15 for the next parameter.
EXP2:M01 CC #
C:B  1:030 2:OFF
Now we tell it to transmit CC (control changes).
UP/DOWN untill you see C:B (CC).
S15 for the next parameter.
EXP2:M01 CC # ?
C:B  1:030 2:OFF
Which CC we want to transmit? (30 for me).
Actually because type will be "IA trig Sw", 30 doesn't mean CC30 but S-button S30.
UP/DOWN untill you get the right CC (S0-S9 to enter a value).
S16 to save and go to the next step.
EXP1: Pedal Type
This is set in the preparations.
S16 to save and go to the next step.
EXP2: Pedal Type
*IA Trig SW
UP/DOWN to change Expr. 2 to *IA Trig SW.
S16 to save and go to the next step.
EXP 1 Pedal cal
Press Pdl up/dwn
All lights will go ON. Move you pedal UP/DOWN and see the red light go UP/DOWN.
S16 to save and go to the next step.
EXP 2 Pedal cal
Press Pdl up/dwn
Push the Toe-switch button.
S16 to save and go to the next step.
Now we want to leave the MENU.
on the screen

PART 2: Now we set S30 to switch the CC of Expr1 between CC41 and CC33.

Because the toe-switch is momentary we can't use stomp, but have to use step-thru.

on the screen
Which Function?
Press P1 -> P6
P3 to enter the Button Menu.
Select a Switch 
S17 - S32
press UP and DOWN at the same time to go to the next layer (S17-S32).
S30 to choose your S-button.
Auto Prog CC msg
MIDI Chan =  001
P3 to go to the next step.
Switch Type
UP/DOWN to change this to Step-Thru.
S16 to save and jump to the next step.

on 01M   SPECIAL
*SP* 1:001 2:001
UP/DOWN change it to Special.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 01M    STEP
*SP* 1:001 2:001
UP/DOWN change it to Step.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 01M     DATA2
*SP* 1:001 2:001
UP/DOWN change it to 1, meaning Step 1.
S16 to save and move to the next step.
REMARK: first command for STEP 1: set CC33 (volume) to maximum.
on 02M01 AXE-FX
C:B  1:033 2:127
UP/DOWN untill you get M01 (Axe-Fx) midi-channel.
S15 to go to the next parameter.
on 02M01 CC #
C:B  1:033 2:127
UP/DOWN change it to B, meaning CC-command.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 02M01 CC # ?
C:B  1:033 2:127
UP/DOWN change it to the CC-number 33.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 02M01   DATA2
C:B  1:033 2:127
UP/DOWN change it to the 127 (we want maximum volume before changing to wah).
S16 to save and move to the next step.
REMARK: second command for STEP 1: change Expr1 from vol to CC41 (wah).

on 03M   SPECIAL
*SP* 3:009 2:041
UP/DOWN change it to Special.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 03M   EXP1_CC
*SP* 1:009 2:041
UP/DOWN change it to 9: EXP1_CC.
S15 for the next parameter.
on 03M     DATA2
*SP* 1:009 2:041
UP/DOWN change it to 41.
S16 to save and jump to the next step.

on 04M   SPECIAL
*SP* 3:001 2:002
UP/DOWN change it to Special.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 04M    STEP
*SP* 3:001 2:002
UP/DOWN change it to Step.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 04M     DATA2
*SP* 3:001 2:002
UP/DOWN change it to 2, meaning Step 2.
S16 to save and move to the next step.
REMARK: first command for STEP 2: set CC41 (wah) to minimum.

In my case I have an Axe-Fx and set wah to autoengage. whenever it comes to value 000, wah will be bypassed automatically.
If you don't have this feature, no problem. use another CC-number to turn on/off you're wah.

on 05M01 AXE-FX
C:B  1:041 2:000
UP/DOWN untill you get M01 (Axe-Fx) midi-channel.
S15 to go to the next parameter.
on 05M01 CC #
C:B  1:041 2:000
UP/DOWN change it to B, meaning CC-command.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 05M01 CC # ?
C:B  1:041 2:000
UP/DOWN change it to the CC-number 41 (wah).
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 05M01   DATA2
C:B  1:041 2:000
UP/DOWN change it to the 000 (minimum).
S16 to save and move to the next step.
REMARK: second command for STEP 2: change Expr1 from wah back to CC33 (vol).

on 06M   SPECIAL
*SP* 3:009 2:033
UP/DOWN change it to Special.
S15 to move to the next parameter.
on 06M   EXP1_CC
*SP* 1:009 2:033
UP/DOWN change it to 9: EXP1_CC.
S15 for the next parameter.
on 06M     DATA2
*SP* 1:009 2:033
UP/DOWN change it to 33
S16 to save and jump to the next step.
on 07M00 No MIDI
Everything is set, we want to leave the MENU.
on the screen

top - menu