Eventide - H9

Press and hold the HOTKNOB button and Right Footswitch simultaneoulsy 
for a few seconds to enter System Mode.

Turn the HOTKNOB to [MIDI] and press.

Midi Channel
[RCV CH] Midi Receive Channel (OFF, OMNI, 1-16) 1 (*)
[RCV.CTL] Receive Continuous Control Message [RCV.CTL] [BYP] BYPass the unit 11 (*) [RCV.CTL] [PR+] Increment PReset number without loading it [RCV.CTL] [PR-] Decrement PReset number without loading it [RCV.CTL] [NXT] Load the next preset [RCV.CTL] [LST] Load the previous preset [RCV.CTL] [TAP] Tap tempo switch function [RCV.CTL] [PSW] Toggle or enable the Performance Switch function [RCV.CTL] [EXP] HOTKNOB or Expression Pedal patch 3 (*) [RCV.CTL] [ACT] Active (Enable Effect – unBypass) 12 (*) [RCV.CTL] [TOG] Toggle between Active and Bypass [RCV.CTL] [TUN] Tuner 13 (*) [RCV.CTL] [KB0]…[KB9] Parameter Control Knobs [RCV.CTL] [ISW] Input Swell [RCV.CTL] [OSW] Output Swell The following Looper functions only work with the Looper algorithm [RCV.CTL] [REC] Record 51 (*) [RCV.CTL] [PLY] Play 52 (*) [RCV.CTL] [STP] Stop Play or Record 53 (*) [RCV.CTL] [MT] Empty (erase any current recording) [RCV.CTL] [DIR] Change Play direction 54 (*) [RCV.CTL] [OCT] Change Play speed up or down by an octa 55 (*) (*) If you use a MX Midi controller, these values are used in Easy Setup. You can use other values, but then you need to adjust them also in the MX.