Electro-Harmonix Holiest V256 Vocoder

the V256 can receive control messages from a MIDI controller or other 
MIDI device so that every function in the V256 is MIDI controllable. 
The default setting for the V256 from the factory is OMNI OFF, set to
channel 16.

Program numbers 1 to 9 (1= VOX ROBO 1, 9 = REFLEX-TUNE) select V256 modes with presets loaded. Program numbers 11 to 19 (11 = VOX ROBO 1, 9 = REFLEX-TUNE) select V256 modes without presets loaded.
1 Modulation Depth: 0-127 7 Internal Synth Volume: 0-127 14 Maximum Pitch Bend in Semitones: 0-12 15 Fine Tuning: units of 1.5625 cents. 0=-100 cents, 64=0 cents, 127=98.44 cents 20 BLEND Knob: 0=CCW 127=CW 21 BANDS Knob: 0=CCW 127=CW 22 TREBLE Knob: 0=CCW 127=CW 23 GENDER Knob: 0=CCW 127=CW 24 PITCH Knob: 0=CCW 127=CW 25 INST. Out Jack Blend: 0=100% INST.; 127=100% Effect. 26 LFO rate: 0=stopped to 127= Maximum Modulation Rate 27 Effect On/Bypass: On = 127; Bypass= 0 28 MIC BYPASS/Freeze FSW: 127 = pressed, 0 = released 29 PRESET FSW: 127 = pressed, 0 = released 30 ENCODER PRESS: 127 = pressed, 0 = released 64 Internal Synth Sustain: 0-127 124 Omni off (Only when received on default channel = 16) send “0” 125 Omni on (Only when received on default channel = 16) send “0”
Electro-Harmonix V256 Vocoder