BASIC: Set a P-button for PC (Program Change)

on the screen
Which Function?
Preset  Menu
S1/P1 untill you see Preset Menu.
P4 to enter the Preset Menu.
Edit Preset: 008
Soldano SLO-100
S1/P1 untill you see the preset you want.
P4 to Edit the name.
008: Edit Name
name goes here
S1/P1 for changing the underlined character (P2 P3 to jump +/- 10 steps).
S2/S3 for the previous/next character.
S4 to save and jump to the next step.
01:  M01 AXE-FX
C:C  1:008 2:OFF
This is where you set the midi-channel and PC.
S1/P1 for the right MIDI-channel (channel 1 for me).
S3 for the next parameter.
01:  M01 PC #
C:C  1:008 2:OFF
Now we tell it to transmit PC (program changes).
S1/P1 untill you see C:C (PC).
S3 for the next parameter.
01:  M01 PC #
C:C  1:008 2:OFF
Which PC we want to transmit? (PC8 for me).
S1/P1 untill you get the right CC (P2 P3 to jump +/- 10 steps).
S4 to save and go to the next step.
02:  M00 No MIDI
If you want to set other commands (CC, PC, Special) you can do it here.
P4 to go the next step.
IA Switch: 01
IA State : OFF
S1/P1 to change the initial state (OFF(n.a.)/RED(off)/GREEN(on)) of all the S-buttons.
S4 to save and go to the next S-button.
Repeat this for all the S-buttons, P4 for the next step.
Preset Type?
Now we want to leave the MENU.
on the screen

REMARK: If you hold the P-button > 3 sec. you can COPY it to another place.

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